Active Directory Client Extensions
Bridging gaps in AD Joined Windows computers
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Local Administrator Password Management extension
Temporary Elevation of Domain User Account extension
In-session Kerberos Refresh extension
Local Administrator Password Management extension
Local Administrator Password Management extension
Safeguard privileged local accounts from being compromised and reduce the chances of Pass-the-Hash (PtH) attacks.
- Unique Passwords
- Unique encryption key
- Password Masking
- Auditing
- Supports multiple local accounts
Low cost yearly subscription
Temporary Elevation of Domain User Account extension
Temporary Elevation of Domain User Account extension
Grant users elevated privileges on demand. Revert back access level automatically.
- Revert back access in 60 minutes
- Elevated Privileges on demand
- Exclude specific computers
- Use standard Microsoft tools
Unsurpassed Value
In-session Kerberos Refresh extension
In-session Kerberos Refresh extension
Logoff and logon or computer restart are now archaic operations required to refresh Kerberos Tickets and to update Access Tokens
- Revert back access in 60 minutes
- Elevated Privileges on demand
- Exclude specific computers
- Use standard Microsoft tools